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Do I Need An Attorney In Family Court?

Do I need a lawyer? The answer is YES.

It's only Family Court right? The answer is a big NO.

The Family and Probate Court is a complex system. The Court's decisions impact you and your family's future greatly.

Family Court is most often used to get a contested or uncontested divorce, obtain or modify child support/custody and spousal support orders and to obtain an order of protection in abusive situations. All of these events may affect you for years regarding support/custody; can be a significant cost to you if you violate a court order; and, may get you arrested if you violate an order of protection.

My approach with clients is to explain the court process and how I will represent them to get the best outcome possible. I zealously advocate for all my clients to get them what they deserve and to protect their rights.

So rather than getting stuck with a child support order that is too high or low, or getting a custody order that should have been better negotiated to get more favorable results, or getting bullied in a divorce action, consider retaining an experienced family law & divorce attorney to guide you and advise you. While like everything else it does cost money, the goal is to save you money or loss of your freedom or rights.

Gabrielle L. Denby, Esquire


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